Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT)

The U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT) program increases international and domestic supply chain security through voluntary participation of business partners globally. Participation of companies in the United States is highly recommended for the programs many benefits including faster Customs (CBP) entry processing, fewer inspections and a faster and more secure supply chain to move your merchandise.

Griffin & Company Logistics signed a Memorandum of Understanding at the onset of the C-TPAT program in March of 2003 to voluntarily participate in the Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT). Griffin & Company Logistics has been a certified and validated member of C-TPAT since June of 2005 as a Licensed U.S. Broker, Consolidator, N.V.O.C.C. in International Ocean and Air transportation. We have two C-TPAT Status Verification Interface (SVI) Numbers. Our Brokerage SVI Number is:
wilBro00295. Our Consolidator SVI Number is: 

We urge all our clients who Ship or Customs Clear their freight through Griffin & Company Logistics to consider membership in the C-TPAT program. We are including additional links to resources on this page to increase your understanding and awareness of some of the issues involved with your freight.

Griffin & Company Logistics Contact Information

For general questions relating to C-TPAT contact C-TPAT@wlgriffin.com

To confidentially report security violations, breaches or concerts to Griffin & Company Logistics please email ctpatsecurity@wlgriffin.com


To report suspicious activity to Customs & Border Protection call:
1-800-BE-ALERT (1-800-232-5378)

For general questions, please call the CBP INFO Center

To report trade violation or illegal trade activity to Customs & Border Protection online CLICK HERE